Dr Shur talks about his first meeting at the BIR and how it inspired him to join
The first BIR meeting I attended was the “Top topics for interview” course prior to applying for radiology training. This was the only radiology-specific interview preparation course that I attended. The day was well structured, covering current and future issues likely to affect radiology, training issues, radiological research and what it is like to be a radiologist. During the afternoon separate streams were organised for registrar and consultant specific interview topics.
My particular highlight was the talks from the BIR Young Professionals and Trainee (YPAT) management committee on interview tips and how to start preparing for the specific aspects of the interview process. This was particularly useful for me as this was my first interview after medical school. How to approach the “request card” station was really helpful, and I used the tips from the practice exercise on the day of the interview, which made me much more confident tackling this station.
Before attending the meeting I had a look at the interview process on the RCR website which helped me consolidate the knowledge on the day of the interview course.
Postgraduate interviews are competitive and this interview course undoubtedly gave me a starting point and framework on which to base my own preparation for the big day. I would recommend the course, not just for people thinking of applying for radiology, but also for existing trainees. Many of the talks are relevant to current radiologists, to help shape and direct their own careers and it is an excellent networking opportunity.
If I had the chance to attend again I submit a poster abstract beforehand. Having a radiology poster at a national meeting looks really good for your application and this meeting is a perfect opportunity!
It is hard to think how the meeting could be improved, but I would have liked to have seen even more practice questions to get us thinking, perhaps sent out in advance of the meeting.
The meeting was my first encounter with the YPAT special interest group and, having been impressed with their organisation of the meeting, I have now started to get involved with the group more actively. I had the opportunity to attend a management meeting, which was fantastic to see how the group shapes future BIR policy and operates on an organisational level. It is also a really sociable group!
Dr Joshua Shur, Specialist Registrar, St George's Hospital, Tooting, London