Therapy webinar series

Watch an overview of the BIR therapy webinars by series organisers including Dr Gopinath Gnanasegaran (BIR), Dr Sridhar Redla (BIR), Dr Diana Paez (IAEA) and Dr Partha Choudhury (WARMTH) in this introductory video and see the suite of webinars below.

Read an overview and introduction to the BIR Radionuclide Therapy Webinar Series by Dr Gopi Gnanasegaran


Alpha Emitter Radium-223 therapy in Metastatic Prostate Cancer: Science and Practice

Dr Francis Sundram discusses the use of Radium-223 as a targeted therapy for the treatment of metastatic prostate cancer.

Overview of Theranostics

Dr Francesco Giammarile gives an overview of theranostics, as well as looking at possible radionuclide treatments. 

Radiopharmaceuticals for Radionuclide therapy

Dr Jim Ballinger examines the use of radiopharmaceuticals for radionuclide therapy by reviewing the basic concepts of beta and alpha radionuclides.

Radionuclide 131I-mIBG therapy: Science and Practice

Professor John Buscombe explains the use of the radiopharmaceutical mIBG.

177Lu-PSMA therapy in Metastatic Prostate cancer: Science and Practice

Professor Hojjat Ahmadzadehfar presents the basics followed by the results of using Lu-PSMA therapy in metastatic prostate cancer.

225Ac-PSMA therapy in Metastatic Prostate cancer

Professor Mariza Vorster explores why 225Ac-PSMA therapy is needed, how it works as a treatment and what the potential side effects are.  

Radiosynoviorthesis: Science and Practice

Dr Willm Uwe Kampen provides and analysis of the science and practice behind radiosynoviorthesis.

Part 1 - SIRT: basic concepts

Dr Macarena Rodriguez-Fraile talks about selective internal radiation therapy with Yttrium 90.

Part 2 - SIRT: basic concepts

Professor José Jaureguizar reviews the principals and basic concepts of selective internal radiation therapy.

Selective internal radiation therapy (SIRT) -TheraSphere

Professor Manuel Weber conveys the science and practice behind selective internal radiation therapy - TheraSphere.

Clinical Applications Rhenium-188 Labeled Radiopharmaceuticals

Dr Nicolas Lepareur discusses the advantageous properties of Rhenium-188 and why it presents an exciting radionuclide for therapeutic purposes.

Radionuclide therapy-Origin, Evolution and Future

Dr B A Krishna looks at the origin, evolution and future of radionuclide therapy.

Radiation Protection in Radionuclide therapies

Mr Richard Meades importantly highlights the radiation protection aspects of Radionuclide therapies.

Radionuclide Bone Palliation Therapy

Professor Sandip Basu summarises the science and practice behind the Radionuclide Bone Palliation Therapy.

131I Radioiodine therapy in benign thyroid disease: Science and Practice

Professor Prasanta Pradhan covers the science and practice behind radio-iodine therapy in benign thyroid disease.

Patient’s journey from diagnosis to treatment and thereafter

Mr Josh Mailman guides you through 'a patient's journey' from diagnosis to treatment and thereafter.

Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy in Neuroendocrine Tumours

Dr Gopinath Gnanasegaran talks about peptide receptor radionuclide therapy in neuroendocrine tumours.

Rhenium-SCT: a painless, non-invasive alternative for the treatment of non-melanoma skin cancer

Professor Julia Tietze from OncoBeta discusses the use of Rhenium-SCT (Skin Cancer Therapy) as an alternative approach to treat Non- Melanoma skin cancer. Dr Paolo Castellucci will then explore epidermal radioisotope therapy with rhenium-188.


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